Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Board Agenda

3. Approve Addendum to Board Agenda, as per Exhibit.

5. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)

6. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

7. Superintendent's Report
Robert A. Britton

Thank you to Lewis Family McDonald's - $250 donation to Athletics

Thank you to Lauren Wilcox, executrix for the estate of Marjorie (Yaussy) Brooks; and Marjorie Brooks, Bucyrus High School Class of 1947 for the remaining balance on the Class of 1947 Savings Account - $214.66 back to Bucyrus City Schools, General Fund.

Parent Teacher Conference attendance.

Board of Education Vacancy

7.1 Curriculum Update
Jonathan Muro Director of Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction and Grants

7.2 Student Services Updates

7.3 Diner 104 Presentation
Mrs. Tammy Gwirtz

Mrs. Gwirtz's class and Diner 104 presentation.

8. Personnel - Certified Staff

8.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit A.

Approve the ongoing updated list of certificated / licensed substitutes, screened / hired through the Mid-Ohio ESC, who have named Bucyrus as the employing district, and authorize the District Treasurer to pay the substitutes on the Mid-Ohio ESC list between meetings.

8.2 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

21st CCLC Grant Supplemental Contracts: 

BES After School Program, Tutor/Teacher:  Shari Shuck

BSS After School Program, Tutor/Teacher:  Abigayle Feasel

9. Personnel - Classified Staff

9.1 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit B.

9.2 Approve FMLA leave for the following:

Kay Hedges, Food Service Assistant - October 24, 2023 - December 15, 2023 (2 months, estimated) 

Julie Rheinscheld, Teacher - November 16, 2023 - December 12, 2023 (Estimated)

9.3 Accept the following resignations per Exhibits C-E.

Kylie Morgan, Renhill Aide - Effective October 23, 2023 

Jennifer Rodman, LPN - Renhill Health Monitor/ Nurse Aide - Effective November 27, 2023

Carrie McMichael, BCS Aide for retirement - Effective March 1, 2024 

9.4 Employ the following on a substitute basis, as per approved salary schedule, for the 2023-2024 school year, pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check:

Karen Ashba, Substitute Food Service Assistant 

Breona Hall, Substitute Food Service Assistant 

Deandra Hatcher, Substitute Food Service Assistant, Educational Aide, Secretary  

9.5 Approve the following leave without pay.

C.Aaron Sharrock - March 19, 2024 

10. Business

10.1 Approve the following resolution as written to facilitate the west side bleacher replacement at Bucyrus Athletics Complex per Exhibit F.

10.2 Approve Resolution Accepting Amounts and Rates by Crawford County Budget Commission, as per Exhibits G & H.

10.3 Approve the November 2023 Five-Year Forecast, as per Exhibit I.

10.4 Approve request for Early Completion of Graduation Requirements as per Exhibit J & K.

10.5 Approve one (1) of the three quotes provided for the replacement of the rear access doors to the Annex Building per Exhibits L-N.

10.6 Approve the MOU with Bucyrus Education Association (BEA) per Exhibit O.

10.7 Approve the MOU with Community Counseling & Wellness Centers per Exhibit P.

10.8 ** Addendum Item ** - Approve the 2024 Medical Insurance Rates as per Exhibit Q.

10.9 Accept the following donations as stated per Exhibit R.

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund  $247.40

Bucyrus City Schools Athletics Fund $250 - Lewis Family McDonalds

Bucyrus City School, General Fund $214.66 - Class of 1947, Marjorie (Yaussy) Brooks 

11. Discussion

12. Public Participation (Any Topic)

13. Adjourn