Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order


Mr. Blankenship called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

1.1 Roll Call


All Board of Education members were present except Ms. Jenna Bollinger.

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance


Mr. Blankenship led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Approval of Board Agenda


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

3. Approval of Board Minutes


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)


There was no public participation.

5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations
Lisa Thoman-Cha


The audit process has been successfully completed, with Mr. Blankenship providing his signature today. The GAAP and standard audits were finalized, and no findings or management letters were issued, marking the successful resolution of these significant tasks. No additional updates were presented.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

6. Superintendent's Report
Robert A. Britton


Mr. Britton provided a tentative list of 2025 board meeting dates. He also shared a salary comparison from the Mid-Ohio ESC, highlighting the district’s competitive teacher salaries and its success in retaining staff with minimal turnover. Additionally, Mr. Britton updated the board on the Career Tech Equipment Grant program. Career center site visits have informed plans for aligning Career Pathways and securing CT26 approval. Initial equipment proposals were reviewed, cost adjustments were considered, and additional vendor proposals are expected early next year.

6.1 Upcoming events:

Save the Date:  Pioneer Board Member and Administrator Dinner on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 5pm


Mr. Britton reminded board members about the Pioneer Board Member and Administrator Dinner on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 5 pm.  He encouraged board members to attend to see student projects and achievements.

6.2 Representative Student Voice Council
Isabella Stang

Student Voice Council, Ohio Association of Student Leaders


Isabella Stang discussed the benefits of Bucyrus High School maintaining membership in the Ohio Association of Student Leaders (OASL). She highlighted her positive experiences attending OASL events, which provided leadership training, team-building skills, and personal growth opportunities.

Membership levels range from $100 to higher tiers, offering benefits such as discounted event fees, access to leadership resources, and participation in a statewide network of schools. Isabella suggested that the Student Council could fundraise to lower costs for student participation. She also noted past involvement in OASL and expressed interest in restoring the school’s prominence within the organization.

No action was taken at this time.

7. Personnel - Certified Staff


Motion passed 7.1 - 7.3.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

7.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit.

Approve the ongoing updated list of certificated / licensed substitutes, screened / hired through the Mid-Ohio ESC, who have named Bucyrus as the employing district, and authorize the District Treasurer to pay the substitutes on the Mid-Ohio ESC list between meetings.

7.2 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

Kevin Boggs, Head Varsity Cross Country Coach 2025-2026

Jon Butchko, Head Varsity Football Coach 2025-2026

Kris Knodell, Head Varsity Girls Tennis Coach 2025-2026

7.3 Approved a leave of absence without pay for Jenay Bailey as per Exhibit.

Jenay Bailey (1 day), 4/17/2025

8. Personnel - Classified Staff


Motion passed 8.1 - 8.2.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

8.1 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit.

8.2 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

Kim Boyd, Head Varsity Fall Cheerleading Coach 2025-2026

Amber Christy, Head Varsity Volleyball Coach 2025-2026

Bart Dennison, Head Varsity Golf Coach 2025-2026

9. Business


Motion passed 9.1 - 9.8.  The board confirmed that the January 15, 2025, organizational meeting will be followed immediately by the regular meeting on the same date.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

9.1 Set Organizational and Regular Meeting Date for January 2025

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 


The board confirmed that the January 15, 2025, organizational meeting will be followed immediately by the regular meeting on the same date.

9.2 Approve Request for Early Completion of Graduation Requirements, as per Exhibit.

9.3 Approve the following overnight student trip as per Exhibit.

9.4 Approve the following calendar for the 2025-2026 school year as per Exhibit.

9.5 Approve the payment of stipends for the Science of Reading Professional Development Program (House Bill 33) for FY25 and authorize the process related to reimbursement
Lisa Thoman-Cha

9.6 Approved Crawford County Chamber of Commerce Membership for 2025 as per Exhibit.

9.7 Acknowledge and approve the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce updates to Special Education Model Policies and Procedures for the 2024-2025 school year for submission to ODEW as per exhibits.

9.8 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund $217.40

10. Election of President Pro Temp


Mr. Blankenship was nominated by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mr. Redmon to serve as President Pro Temp for the January 2025 organizational meeting.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

11. Discussion


Mr. Britton discussed the upcoming launch of the Turbo CERT program on January 10, in partnership with the CTE grant. The program will provide 5-10 students the opportunity to earn industry-recognized credentials before graduation. The grant requires 60-70 manufacturing credentials to be achieved by 2027, with participation growing annually. The partnership was highlighted as beneficial for both students and the community.

12. Public Participation (Any Topic)


There was no public participation.

13. Executive Session

To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official.


Adjourned to executive session at 5:52 p.m., and the following were present:

Mr. Blankenship

Mrs. Graves

Mrs. Jones

Mr. Redmon

Mr. Britton

Mrs. Thoman-Cha

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

14. Adjourn Executive Session


The Executive Session was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board MemberX  

15. Adjourn


The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves, Board Member