May 23, 2019 Regular Board Meeting 6:30pm

1. Meeting Called To Order


Paul Johnson, Ph.D. called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

1.1 Roll Call


The following were present:

Paul Johnson, Ph.D.
John Kime
Adam Stone
Traci Wetterau
Debra Hoover

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance


Paul Johnson, Ph.D. led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Approval of Minutes

Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 25, 2019

Special Board Meeting Minutes  May 8, 2019

Work Session May 9, 2019


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

3. Approve the Treasurer's Financial Report

Dated April 30, 2019


Mr. Cook reviewed the five-year forecast and briefly discussed the upcoming State of Ohio budget.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

4. Approve Addendum to Agenda


There was no addendum to the agenda.

5. Committee Reports


Mr. Stone motioned and Ms. Wetterau seconded the motion to suspend committee reports for the 5.23.2019 Board of Education meeting.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

5.1 Legislative Report
Mr. Adam Stone

5.2 Athletics
Mr. John Kime, Vice President, and Mr. Adam Stone

5.3 Pioneer
Dr. Paul Johnson, President

5.4 Climate and Culture
Dr. Paul Johnson, President, and Mrs. Debra Hoover

5.5 District Resources
Dr. Paul Johnson, President, and Ms. Traci Wetterau

5.6 Learning and Instruction
Mrs. Debra Hoover

5.7 Communications
Mr. John Kime, Vice President

5.8 Wellness
Ms. Traci Wetterau

6. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Kevin Kimmel, Superintendent


Mr. Kimmel discussed his report.

6.1 Board Report
Mrs. Charma Schifer

6.2 Board Report
Mr. Timothy Souder

6.3 Board Report
Mr. Matthew Henderson

7. Opportunity to Address the Board

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)


Donna Hoy addressed the Board of Education regarding her concerns with the special education program moving forward.

8. Discussion

8.1 Federal IDEA - B Special Education, as per Exhibits A and B.

9. Business

9.1 Accept the Following Donations as Stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund  $ 313.00

Sensory Pathways Grant from GPD Group  $ 4,470.00

Therapy Dog Grant from GPD Group  $ 2,000.00


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

9.2 Approve Insurance Coverage with The Ohio School Plan effective July 1, 2019, as per Exhibit C.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

9.3 Approve Amendment to Contractual Agreement with Mansfield Psychological Services, as per Exhibit D.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

9.4 Approve parking lot seal coating with Buckeye Asphalt Maintenance and Seal Coating as per Exhibit E.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

9.5 Approve the May 2019 Five Year Forecast, as per Exhibit F.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

9.6 Approve the Revised Administrative Salary Schedule, as per Exhibit G.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

10. Personnel - Classified Staff


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

10.1 Approve the rehiring of a retired employee, Janet Corns, as an Educational Aide effective August 1, 2019 as per the approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

10.2 Non-renew the following one-year supplemental contracts for extra-curricular activities upon completion of the 2018-2019 supplemental contract.

Aubrey Brause:  Assistant Cheerleading Coach



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

10.3 Approve Renhill Salary Schedule for 2019-2020, as per Exhibit H.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

10.4 Approve a one-year supplemental contact, as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra curricular activities:

Kim Boyd:  Head Cheerleading Coach

Jill Burling:  Head Volleyball Coach

Jerry Hargis:  Head Softball Coach

Diane Kaple:  Head Bowling Coach

Carl Rittenour:  Head Cross Country Coach, Head Track (both) Coach

Mary Scott:  Athletic Department / Ticket Taker

John Supon:  Athletic Department / Faculty Manager, Head Boys Tennis Coach, Head Girls Tennis Coach

Alan Young, Jr.:  Head Swimming Coach



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11. Personnel - Certified Staff


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.1 Approve the following teacher contracts, as stated beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, as per approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

One Year - New:


One Year - Renewal:

Ashton Boyd

Benjamin Britton

Jason Calder

Kelly Conn

Bridget Dillinger

Matt Feck

Andrea Gibson

Patricia Hargis (Retire / Rehire)

Lorraine Kaufman

Grace Keller

Kimberly Long

Heather Miller

Devin Osko

Carrie Robertson

Mary Roesch (Retire / Rehire)

William Roll (Retire / Rehire)

Kelly Wood-Ard (Retire / Rehire)


Two Year:

Allie Chandler

Tiffany Fox

Ashley Hale

Justin Mattix

Scott Mental

Sarah Pearce

Taylor Tackett


Three Year - New:

Jennifer Craig

Bethany Guinther

Brittany Kaple

Melissa Kennedy

Rich Ulmer

Laura Williams


Three Year - Renewal:

H. Kevin Boggs

Nancy Fischer

Mark Fiske

Kristine Fourman

Nathan Hill

Sarah Martin

Pam Meadows

Martin Myers

Jenay Pfeifer

Valerie Richardson

Greg Shifley

Shari Shuck



Aaron Eckert

Monica Johnson  

Nancy Lipscomb  








Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.2 Approve Request for Leave of Absence without pay for the following:

Liuyi Liu - May 15 and 16, 2019


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.3 Approve Request for Family Medical Leave for the following:

Ashton Boyd:  June 21, 2019 - August 16, 2019 (dates are tentative)

Devin Osko:  May 13 - 28, 2019




Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.4 Approve a one-year supplemental contact, as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra curricular activities:

Justin Mattix:  Head Boys Basketball Coach, Athletic Department / Faculty Manager

Sean Maudsley:  Head Baseball Coach, Athletic Department / Assistant Athletic Director

Marty Myers:  Head Boys Golf Coach

Taylor Tackett:  Head Girls Basketball Coach

Rich Ulmer:  Head Wrestling Coach



Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.5 Accept the resignation of Kylie Thompson, effective May 29, 2019.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.6 Moved, that the Board accept the notice from John Massara under R.C. 3319.02(C) that he does not wish to be re-employed as an administrator and that he is terminating his contract pursuant to R.C. 3319.15, as per Exhibit I.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.7 Approve the resignation of Matthew Henderson effective July 31, 2019.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

11.8 Accept the resignation of Liuyi Liu, effective May 29, 2019.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

12. Personnel - Certified Staff

12.1 Approve a two-year administrative contract commencing August 1, 2019 and ending July 31, 2021 as per the approved administrative schedule:

Jay Dennison, Secondary Assistant Principal (220 Days, retire/rehire) 


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

13. Personnel - Certified Staff

13.1 Approve Amendment to Tim Souder's Contract, as per Exhibit J.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

14. Personnel - Certified Staff

14.1 Approve a three-year administrative contract commencing August 1, 2019 and ending July 31, 2022 as per the approved administrative schedule:

Mike Wallace, Elementary Principal (260 Days) 


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  

15. Communications


There were no communications.

16. Announcements


Paul Johnson, Ph.D. presented Kevin Kimmel with a paver as recognition for his service to the district.

17. Executive Session


There was no executive session

17.1 To investigate the complaints against a public employee and in accordance with ORC 121.22

18. Adjourn Executive Session

19. Adjourn


The May 23, 2019 regular Board of Education meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime, Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Dr. Paul Johnson, PresidentX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  
Mr. John Kime, Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX