Board Meeting

1. Meeting Called To Order

Board President Brad Murtiff called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.1 Roll Call


The following Board of Education Members were present:

Mr. Brad Murtiff
Mr. Doug Schiefer
Dr. Paul Johnson
Mr. Adam Stone
Ms. Traci Wetterau

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance


Board President Brad Murtiff led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Commendations

2.1 Commendation to recognize Ashley Keener, Student Representative to the Board of Education (March, April, and May)

2.2 Commendations to recognize display of artwork at Central Office:
Mr. Mike Striker and Mr. Patrick Moore

Sidney Stevens, Kaitlyn Wells, Lillian Neumann, Reece Zeigler, Rachael Ely, Damen Parsell, Keegan Sims, Alyssa Lawrence, Mason Ricker, Christina Johnson, Raegan Poth, and Alexis Adams

3. Presentations

3.1 3rd-5th Grade BES Gifted Program (STEM, Coding, and Robotics)
Mrs. Carrie Wood and Mrs. Michelle Vance

Madalyn Kimmel, Adacyn Rister, Ella Hoover, Layla Ellis, and Lillian Neumann

3.2 Bucyrus Rotary Auction Proceeds to Bucyrus Band Percussion Instruments
Mrs. Virginia Hammontree and Mr. Terry Gernert to Mrs. Michelle Ashley and Mrs. Kim Kent

3.3 Educational Options and VLA Presentation to Board of Education
Mr. Marty Schuster

4. Approval Of Minutes

April 28, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

5. Approve The Treasurer's Financial Report Dated:
Mr. Ryan Cook, Treasurer

Mr. Cook presented the financial report dated April 30, 2016.



Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

6. Approve The Addendum To The Agenda


There was no addendum to the agenda.

7. Committee Reports

7.1 Legislative Report
Mr. Adam Stone


No Report.

7.2 Athletics
Mr. Bradley Murtiff, President and Mr. Douglas Schiefer


Mr. Schiefer and Mr. Murtiff updated the Board of Education on our student athletes who had achieved various honors over the Spring sports season.


7.3 Pioneer
Dr. Paul Johnson


No Report.

7.4 Student Achievement
Dr. Paul Johnson


No Report.

7.5 Wellness
Ms. Traci Wetterau


No Report.

7.6 Student Representative
Ms. Ashley Keener


No Report.

8. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Kevin Kimmel, Superintendent

8.1 Board Report
Mrs. Lorie Pennington


Mr. Kimmel updated the Board of Education on the resurfacing and repairs needed with the tennis courts.

Mr. Kimmel provided information on pre-school funding and our pending five-star rating.

8.2 Board Report
Mr. John Massara

8.3 Board Report
Mr. Matt Henderson

8.4 Board Report
Dr. Mark Burke

8.5 Board Report

9. Opportunity To Address The Board

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)


John Noggle - Youth Pastor, Bucyrus Nazarene Church.


Mr. John Noggle Youth Pastor of the Nazarene Church.

Mr. Noggle spoke to the Board about concerns with youth programs and conflicts with events that impact students participating in his programs.

10. Personnel - Certified Staff

10.1 Approve a continuing contract to Harold “Tony” Rose beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, as per approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements, per ORC 3319.11, having served two years in the Bucyru


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.2 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities:

Kaitlyn Fourman:  Middle School and High School Choir for the 2015-2016 school year


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.3 Approve three-year administrative contracts to the following commencing August 1, 2016 and ending July 31, 2019 as per the approved administrative schedule.

Dr. Mark Burke, Secondary Principal

Kevin Fourman, Secondary Associate Principal 

Jay Dennison, Middle School Principal

Matt Henderson, Director of Curriculum and Assessment

Tim Souder, Elementary Associate Principal


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.4 Approve the following teacher contracts, as stated beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, as per approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

One Year - New

Debra Breidenbach

Tiffany Fox

Allie Hawkins

Justin Mattix

Nicholas Rush

Taylor Whitaker


One Year - Renewal

Lisa Blizzard

Kimberly Christman

Holly Cleland

Amanda Conley

Jennifer Craig

Jordan Fields

Kaitlyn Fourman

Bethany Guinther

Molly Hanna

Patricia Hargis *

Brittany Kaple

Melissa Kennedy

Julia Kidwell

Brett Love

Danica McGowan

Scott Mental

Patrick Moore

Patrick O'Connell

Nathan Parsons

Tiffany Powers

Rich Ulmer

Destinee Wannemacher

Laura Williams


Two Year

Allysen Coleman

Josh Coleman

Hannah Herring

Liuyi Liu

Kayli McCullough

Ann Shanda

Mike Striker


Three Year - New

Aaron Eckert

Amy Moody

Jenay Pfeifer


Three Year Renewal

H. Kevin Boggs

Nancy Fischer

Mark Fiske

Kristine Fourman

Robert Guinther

Nathan Hill

Monica Johnson

Nancy Lipscomb

Sarah Martin

Pam Meadows

Martin Myers

Erika Orians

Valerie Richardson

Greg Shifley

Shari Shuck



Leah Barger

Kim Makeever

Jennifer Weber


* Retire / Rehire




Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.5 Approve the following teacher contract as stated beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, as per approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

One Year

Winnie Johnson *

* Retire / Rehire


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul Johnson  X
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.6 Approve resignation of Jaclyn Schaub, Grades 9-10 ELA, effective May 23, 2016.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.7 Accept resignation from Michael Striker, Assistant Baseball Coach, effective August 19, 2015, for the 2015-2016 school year.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.8 Accept resignation from Brett Love, Assistant Baseball Coach, Half Contract, effective August 19, 2015, for the 2015-2016 school year.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.9 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities:

Brett Love:  JV Baseball Coach for the 2015-2016 school year


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.10 Approve the following personnel for the 21st Century Summer Program effective June 6, 2016, on a timesheet basis:

Jordan Fields, Tutor at BES, 3.5 hours per day, 4 days per week, 12 work days total


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.11 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities.

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements for the 2016-2017 school year.


Leah Barger:  Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor for Danica McGowan

Kevin Boggs:  Assistant Track Coach, Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Nicholas Rush)

Aaron Campbell:  Teacher Leader

Allysen Coleman:  Head Volleyball Coach, Pep Club Advisor, Student Council (Half Contract)

Joshua Coleman:  Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant Football Coach

Beth Constantine:  Girls Boosters

Anne Devine:  20 Extended Days

Aaron Eckert:  Athletic Department Faculty Manager, Head Football Coach

Jordan Fields:  Boys Tennis Head Coach, Junior Class Advisor (Half Contract)

Nancy Fischer:  Quiz Team Advisor, Thursday School Monitor, VLA Monitor, Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Jordan Fields and Brett Love)

Mark Fiske:  Marching, Pep, and Concert Band

Kaitlyn Fourman:  Bucyrus Players (Half Contract), HS and MS Choir, Drama, Percussion Advisor

Bethany Guinther:  Girls Basketball Head Coach

Terra Hamm:  Senior Class Advisor (Half Contract), Resident Educator-Teacher Facilitator

Pat Hargis:  Science Club Advisor (Half Contract), Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Patrick O'Connell and Destinee Wannemacher)

Shannon Henize:  National Honor Society Advisor

Julia Kidwell:  Assistant Volleyball Coach

Melissa Kennedy:  Assistant Cheerleading Coach

Karen Kocher:  Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Molly Hanna)

Brett Love:  Assistant Baseball Coach

Kayli McCullough:  Prom (Half Contract)

Kim Makeever:  Middle School Assistant Cheerleading Coach, Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Amanda Conley)

Matt Makeever:  Assistant Football Coach, Assistant Athletic Department Faculty Manager, Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Taylor Whitaker), Teacher Leader

Sarah Martin:  Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Patrick Moore)

Sean Maudsley:  Baseball Head Coach

Scott Mental:  Freshmen Assistant Baseball Coach, Middle School Assistant Football Coach, Art Club (Half Contract),

Amy Moody:  Prom (Half Contract)

Marty Myers: Boys Golf Head Coach

Patrick O'Connell:  Freshmen Class Advisor, Science Club Advisor (Half Contract), Teacher Leader

Nathan Parsons:  Junior Class Advisor (Half Contract)

Amy Plumley:  Cheerleading Head Coach, Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Scott Mental)

Lori Rager:  Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Kim Christman)

Katie Roesch:  Assistant Track Coach, Assistant Athletic Department Faculty Manager, Teacher Leader

Tony Rose:  Boys Basketball Head Coach, Assistant Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Department Faculty Manager,
Sophomore Class Advisor, Study Table Monitor

Heath Sager:  Assistant Athletic Department Faculty Manager

Martin Schuster:  Student Council (Half Contract), Thursday School Monitor, Teacher Leader

Ann Shanda:  Teacher Leader

Greg Shifley:  Middle School Band (Marching and Pep)

Katie Spaniel:  Home Instruction Tutor, VLA Monitor

Michael Striker:  Girls Golf Head Coach, Assistant Athletic Department Faculty Manager, Art Club (Half Contract)

Donya Sutter:  Resident Educator-Teacher Mentor (Tiffany Powers)

Shaun Teynor:  VLA Monitor

Rich Ulmer:  Wrestling Head Coach, Middle School Assistant Football Coach

Destinee Wannemacher:  Middle School Assistant Girls Basketball Coach











Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

10.12 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities.

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements, for the 2016-2017 school year.

Winnie Johnson:  Senior Class Advisor (Half Contract), 20 Extended Days

10.13 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities.

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements for the 2016-2017 school year.

Jordan Fields:  Volunteer Girls Tennis Coach


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul Johnson  X
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

11. Personnel - Classified Staff

11.1 Approve the following personnel for the 21st Century Summer Program effective June 6, 2016, on a timesheet basis:

Charmaine Teets, Aide at BES, 3.5 hours per day, 4 days per week, 12 work days total


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

11.2 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities.

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check, for the 2016-2017 school year.

Jill Burling:  Assistant Softball Coach

Jon Dorsey:  Freshmen Assistant Football Coach

Jerry Hargis:  Softball Head Coach

Scott Heinle:  Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach

Dave Jones:  Midde School Assistant Track Coach

Phil Joseph:  Freshmen Assistant Boys Basketball Coach

Diane Kaple:  Bowling Advisor

Miranda Kepler:  Majorettes/Flag Corp

Tyson Molllenkopf:  Assistant Football Coach, Assistant Softball Coach

Brian Naufzinger:  Assistant Track Coach

Craig Orewiler:  Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

Jeremy Peoples:  Assistant Wrestling Coach

Tim Plumley:  Assistant Football Coach

Zach Powers:  Middle School Assistant Track Coach

Karolyn Rebon:  Bucyrus Players (Half Contract)

Babette Rittenour:  Middle School Assistant Track Coach, Middle School Assistant Cross Country Coach

Carl Rittenour:  Cross Country Head Coach, Track (Boys and Girls) Head Coach

Mary Scott:  Ticket Manager

Brian Seybert:  Middle School Assistant Football Coach

Corey Seyfors:  Freshmen Assistant Football Coach

John Supon:  Assistant Athletic Departent Faculty Manager, Girls Tennis Head Coach

Alan Young:  Head Swimming Coach






Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

11.3 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities:

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check, for the 2016-2017 school year.

Brad Murtiff:  Volunteer Assistant Football Coach


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Paul Johnson

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, President  X
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

11.4 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract, as per approved supplemental salary schedule, to the following personnel, for extra-curricular activities:

Pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check, for the 2016-2017 school year.

Ryan Foreman:  Volunteer Middle School Assistant Football Coach

Noah Graves:  Volunteer Middle School Assistant Football Coach

Dennis Lybarger:  Volunteer Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

Zach Messerschmidt:  Volunteer Freshmen Assistant Boys Basketball Coach

Mike Middleton:  Volunteer Middle School Assistant Football Coach

Erin Mutchler-Rose:  Volunteer Softball Coach

John Supon:  Boys Tennis Volunteer Coach


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

11.5 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit D.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12. Business

12.1 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund                 $ 218.50

Bucyrus City School District employees


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.2 Non-renew the following volunteer contracts for extra-curricular activities upon completion of the 2015-2016 school year.

Erin Rose     Volunteer Softball Coach


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.3 Approve Resolution Authorizing Membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2016-2017 school year.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.4 Approve Sodexo Food Service Renewal Amendment for 2016-2017, as per Exhibit E.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.5 Approve Addendum for Nursing Services, as per Exhibit F.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.6 Approve a Resolution declaring that urgent necessity exists and authorizing execution of contracts without complying with statutory advertising and competitive bidding procedures, as per Exhibit G.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.7 Approve contract from Richland/F&H Sealcoating Company, Inc., for Tennis Court Repairs as per Exhibit H.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.8 Approve the following prospective candidate(s) for graduation from Bucyrus High School.

Upon completion of the graduation requirements of the State Department of Education and the Bucyrus Board of Education, the High School diploma shall be conferred on May 22, 2016.

John R. Gallant II


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.9 Approve OSBA Services Agreement, as per Exhibit I.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.10 Approve changes to Sodexo Contract of Services for Summer Food Service, as per Exhibit J.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.11 Noah Lear Memorial Donation from Crawford County Customs and Classics Car Club, as per Exhibit K.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.12 Approve Insurance Coverage with Ohio School Plan effective 7.1.16 through 6.30.17, as per Exhibit L.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.13 Approve financial terms of Eastman & Smith, Ltd., Attorneys at Law, for Impartial Hearing Officer regarding Due Process Complaint and Hearing Request, as per Exhibit M.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

12.14 Approve Physical Therapy Services and Occupational Therapy Services through North Central Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibits N and O.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Dr. Paul Johnson

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

13. Discussions

13.1 Student Fees - Class fees / Course fees


The Board of Education waived student fees for the 2016-2017 school year.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

13.2 Student Fees - Drug Testing fees


The Board of Educaiton maintained drug testing fees at the same level as the 2015-2016 school year.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

13.3 Student Fees - Pay-to-Play / Participation fees


The Board of Educaiton waived pay to participation fees for the 2016-2017 school year.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice President

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

13.4 Federal IDEA-B Special Education, as per Exhibit P.


The Board of Education held a public comment hearing for IDEA-B Special Education funds.

14. Communications

15. Announcements

15.1 Thursday, June 16, 2016, 5pm Board Work Session

16. Executive Session


The Board of Education entered executive session at 8:28 p.m. for the purpose of conferences with an attorney concerning disputes involving pending or imminent court action; and in accordance with ORC 121.22


The following attended executive session:

Kevin Kimmel
Ryan Cook
Brad Murtiff
Doug Schiefer
Dr. Paul Johnson
Adam Stone
Traci Wetterau

Result: Approved

Motioned: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

17. Adjourn Executive Session


Executive session was adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Adam Stone

Seconded: Ms. Traci Wetterau

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX  

18. Adjourn


The May 26, 2016 Board of Education meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Paul Johnson

Seconded: Mr. Adam Stone

Mr. Bradley Murtiff, PresidentX  
Mr. Douglas Schiefer, Vice PresidentX  
Dr. Paul JohnsonX  
Mr. Adam StoneX  
Ms. Traci WetterauX