2025 Organizational Board Meeting

1. Meeting Called To Order


President Pro-Tem Randy Blankenship called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

1.1 Roll Call of the 2025 Board of Education


Mr. Blankenship - Present

Mrs. Graves - Present

Mr. Redmon - Absent

Ms. Boillinger - Present

Mrs. Jones - Present

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance


Mr. Blankenship led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Approval of Agenda


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member   
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member   

3. Election of Officers


Mrs. Graves nominated Randy Blankenship for Board of Education President, and Ms. Bollinger seconded the nomination.

Mrs. Graves - Yes

Mrs. Jones - Yes

Ms. Bollinger - Yes

Mr. Blankenship - Yes

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Christa Graves, Board Member

Seconded: Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member   

3.1 Officers:


Mrs Jones nominated Christa Graves for Board of Education Vice-President, and Ms. Bollinger seconded the nomination.

Mrs. Jones  - Yes

Ms. Bollinger - Yes

Mrs. Graves - Yes

Mr. Blankenship - Yes

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member   

4. Oath of Office

4.1 Oath of Office for President of the Board


Mr. Blankenship took the Oath of Office for Board of Education President.

4.2 Oath of Office for Vice President of the Board


Mrs. Graves took the Oath of Office for Board of Education Vice-President.

5. Business


Motion passed 5.1 - 5.17

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member   

5.1 Approve the proposed Regular Board Meeting Schedule:

Meetings planned for third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 5:30pm, Lincoln Administrative Building, 170 Plymouth Street, Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 in the boardroom:

 February 19, 2025

March 19, 2025

April 16, 2025

May 14, 2025

June 18, 2025

July 16, 2025

August 20, 2025

September 17, 2025

October 15, 2025

November 19, 2025

December 17, 2025




Result: Approved

5.2 Authorize the Superintendent as the Purchasing Agent for the Bucyrus City School District.

5.3 Employment Offers

Authorize the Superintendent, during periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment directly to candidates for either teaching or nonteaching positions, including NCOESC and MOESC employees, on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of this Board, subject to a subsequent vote of ratification by this Board; provided however that upon ratification by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the employee's acceptance of the Superintendent's offer.  Nothing in this resolution shall require the Board of Education to employ or continue to employ an individual who has not provided criminal records check satisfactory to the Board or who has not satisfied any other prerequisite to employment created by law or Board policy.
The Authorization provided by the resolution shall remain in effect until withdrawn by formal action of this Board.

5.4 Resignations

Authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent's acceptance.
The authorization provided by this resolution shall remain in effect until withdrawn by formal action of this Board.

5.5 Authorize the Superintendent to approve all Field Trips, not overnight.

5.6 Authorize the Superintendent as the Director of Federal and State Grants.

5.7 Appoint Lisa Thoman-Cha, Treasurer, the district's public record compliance officer for the fiscal year 2025. The Treasurer shall attend required compliance trainings and provide evidence of completion if requested by The Auditor of State.

5.8 Authorize the Treasurer to request advance payments of taxes collected from the Crawford County Auditor.

5.9 Authorize the Treasurer to invest interim funds in accordance with the State Auditor's Compliance policy, and O.R.C. §3315.01.

5.10 Authorize the Treasurer to pay all bills subsequent to Board approval.

5.11 Authorize the Treasurer to transfer funds with subsequent Board approval.

5.12 Appoint a Legislative Liaison for OSBA Federal Relations Network.


Mr. Redmon was appointed.

5.13 Approve the appointment of Bricker & Graydon and Pepple & Waggoner as General Legal Advisors for Calendar Year 2025.

5.14 Appoint Representatives to Athletic Council.


Mr. Blankenship and Mrs Graves were appointed.

5.15 Appoint an Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer for the Bucyrus City Schools - Calendar Year 2025.

It is the responsibility of this officer to oversee that there is no discrimination when it comes to employment of staff members for the Bucyrus City School District and that opportunities are open to all.
Bucyrus City Board of Education recommends that the Board approve the Superintendent as the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer for the Bucyrus City School calendar year 2025.


Ms. Bollinger was appointed.  

5.16 Approve Resolution Declaring Expenditures of Public Funds, as per Exhibit.

5.17 Annual Records Commission Hearing as per O.R.C. 149.42, as per Exhibits.

6. Adjourn


The Board of Education adjourned the organizational meeting at 5:39 p.m.

Motioned: Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board Member

Seconded: Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board Member

Mr. Randy Blankenship, PresidentX  
Mrs. Christa Graves, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Ms. Jenna Bollinger, Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Redmon, Board Member