Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Board Agenda

4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)

5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

6. Superintendent's Report
Robert A. Britton

6.1 Save the date, designate attendees:

"Scholarship for Success" at the Success Center - March 6, 2025 - 5 pm

Pioneer Board Dinner - March 26, 2025 - 5 pm

6.2 Alternative Programming, Middle School Opportunity Unit
Loni Porinchok, Director of Student Services

6.3 Elementary Update
Sheryl Hernandez, Principal and Brian Thiel, Assoc. Principal



7. Personnel - Certified Staff

7.1 Approve the following contract extension for District Superintendent with Robert A. Britton for August 1, 2026 through July 31, 2029; as per Exhibit.

7.2 Approve the following contract extension for District Treasurer with Lisa Thoman-Cha for August 1, 2026 through July 31, 2029; as per Exhibit.

7.3 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

Landry Amstutz - Volunteer Track Coach

Matt Feck - Middle School Assistant Track Coach

Nick Kohler - Middle School Assistant Track Coach

7.4 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit.

Approve the ongoing updated list of certificated / licensed substitutes, screened / hired through the Mid-Ohio ESC, who have named Bucyrus as the employing district, and authorize the District Treasurer to pay the substitutes on the Mid-Ohio ESC list between meetings.

7.5 Approved a leave of absence without pay for the following as per Exhibit.

Jennifer Thayer - May 8-19, 2026

Nicholas Kohler - May 8-19, 2026

8. Personnel - Classified Staff

8.1 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit.

8.2 Approve the following as Classified Subs for 2024-2025 school year as per Exhibit.

8.3 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

Rob Berry - Assistant Varsity Softball Coach

Kyle Blankenship -  Assistant Varsity Track Coach

Mark Burke Jr. - Volunteer Baseball Coach

Dylan Goff -  Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach

Dave Jones - Assistant Varsity Track Coach

Gavin Lewis - Volunteer Baseball Coach

Mike Middleton - Head Varsity Softball Coach

Harley Robinson-Koge - Middle School Assistant Track Coach

Brian Seybert - Volunteer Track Coach

Kyle Shull - Volunteer Softball Coach

Chris Stake - Assistant Varsity Track Coach

Josh Stratton - Volunteer Softball Coach

8.4 Approved a leave of absence without pay for the following as per Exhibit.

James Cotsamire - April 1-2, 2025

8.5 Approve request for Family Leave Medical Act (FMLA) for the following:

Marianne Markley - leave February 10, 2025 - March 25, 2025 (~ 6 weeks )

9. Business

9.1 Approve the following meeting schedule for 2025 Regular Board of Education Meetings, as per Exhibit.

9.2 Approve Integrated Systems Technologies (IST) for equipment purchases for the Ohio Career Technical Education Equipment Grant Program with designated grant funds, as per Exhibit.

Advanced Technologies Consultants (ATC), Inc; Buckeye Educational Systems; or Integrated Systems Technologies (IST)

9.3 Approve the following limited service agreements with Mid Ohio ESC for services as per Exhibits.

9.4 Approve the NEOLA Board Policies: October 2024 Recommendations, as per Exhibits.





po0155 Technical Correction  

po0163 Technical Correction  


po0165 New  

po0165.1 Rescind  

po0165.2 Rescind  

po0166 New  

po0167.2 Renumbered  

po0167.7 Renumbered/Revised  

po0173 Rescind  












po7530.01 V1







9.5 Approve OHSAA Governing Board Resolution for Continued Membership, as per Exhibit

9.6 Approve the following Curriculum Guides for Bucyrus Secondary School 2025-2026 as per Exhibits.

9.7 Approve the following dates for Kindergarten Screening:

August 4, 5, and 6 of 2025

9.8 Approve Request for Early Completion of Graduation Requirements, as per Exhibit.

9.9 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund $217.40

10. Executive Session

To consider the appointment; employment; dismissal; discipline; promotion; demotion; compensation of a public employee or official; or the investigation of charges/complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual (unless public hearing is requested), as per ORC 121.22.

11. Adjourn Executive Session

12. Discussion

13. Public Participation (Any Topic)

14. Adjourn