Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Board Agenda

4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)

5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

6. Superintendent's Report
Robert A. Britton

6.1 Secondary School Report
Timothy Souder

7. Personnel - Certified Staff

7.1 Approve the following resignations as per Exhibit:

Amy Van Voorhis, BSS Intervention Specialist as of the End of 2023-2024 Contract Year 

7.2 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit.

Approve the ongoing updated list of certificated / licensed substitutes, screened / hired through the Mid-Ohio ESC, who have named Bucyrus as the employing district, and authorize the District Treasurer to pay the substitutes on the Mid-Ohio ESC list between meetings.

7.3 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

Bucyrus Elementary Summer Program - 21st CLCC Grant Co-Coordinator & Program Manager - Robin Showers (Renhill)

Bucyrus Elementary Summer Program - 21st CLCC Grant Co-Coordinator - Kim Mutchler

8. Personnel - Classified Staff

8.1 Approve the following resignations as per Exhibit.

Linda Ross, Food Service Assistant - Retirement as of September 1, 2024 - 27 years of Service

8.2 Employ the following personnel for the 2024 Summer Food Service Program at $13.40 (Salary Step 0) per hour as needed:

Mike Dean, Shannon Landis, Nicole Miller, and Linda Topper

Summer Food Service Program Dates: 5/28/24-7/26/24

9. Business

9.1 Approve Aaron Zhu to provide Translation Services as required for state testing, at a rate of $75.00/hour, for four hours of service at a total cost of $300.00.

9.2 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund $227.40

10. Discussion

11. Public Participation (Any Topic)

12. Adjourn