Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Board Agenda

3. Approval of Board Minutes

January 13, 2020 Organizational Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes

4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)


5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

6. Superintendent's Report
Matthew W. Chrispin

7. Personnel - Certified Staff

7.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit A.

7.2 Approve a one-year supplemental contact, as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra curricular activities, pending completion of all State and Board requirements for the 2019-2020 school year.

Abbie Adams - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Aubrey Brause and Matt Feck

Kristine Fourman - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Ashton Boyd

Kim Haldeman - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Josephine Miller

Shannon Henize - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Abbey Eichler-Clough  

Karen Kocher - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Jacquelyn Krohn Hiser

Kim Makeever - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Morgan Schalk

Sarah Martin - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Veronica Ruggeri

Lori Rager - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Robert Anspach

Katie Spaniel - Resident Educator / Teacher Mentor for Nicole Bostic and Jason Calder  


7.3 Accept the resignation of Shane Fillhart, effective May 28, 2020.

7.4 Approve a one-year supplemental contact, as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra curricular activities, pending completion of all State and Board requirements for the 2020-2021 school year.

Kris Knodell:  Head Coach Girls Tennis

8. Personnel - Classified Staff

8.1 Approve Request for Family Medical Leave for the following:

Kelly Schifer:  January 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020

Tim Widman:  December 30, 2019 through January 13, 2020



8.2 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra-curricular activities pending completion of all State and Board requirements including favorable background checks.

Joshua Banks:  Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach, Half Contract

Kelci Simms:  Assistant MS Track / Field Coach

Russ Slanczka:  Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach, Half Contract

9. Business

9.1 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund  $ 300.00

9.2 Approve Resolution Authorizing 2020-2021 Membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association, as per Exhibit B.

9.3 Approve Field Trip Request for Science Club, as per Exhibit C.

9.4 Approve Band Trip to Walt Disney World 2021, as per Exhibit D.

9.5 Approve the updated Amended Certificate of Revenue and Appropriations for FY20, as per Exhibits E and F.

9.6 Approve the MIBS contract with NWOCA, as per Exhibit G.

9.7 Approve BSS Course Planning Handbook, as per Exhibit H.

9.8 Recommendation to Appoint John H. Kime, as a Board Representative to Pioneer Technical Career Center.

9.9 Approve Agreement with North Central State College for Credit Plus, as per Exhibit I.

10. Discussion

10.1 2020-2021 School Calendar, as per Exhibit J.

11. Public Participation (Any Topic)

12. Executive Session

13. Adjourn Executive Session

14. Adjourn