January 13, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting 5:45 p.m.

1. Meeting Called To Order


Board President Dave Jones called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.

1.1 Roll Call


The following Board of Education members were present:

Mr. Jones
Mr. Blankenship
Mrs. Graves
Mr. Kime

Mrs. Hoover - Mrs. Hoover was not present for the roll call, but arrived at 5:55 p.m.

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance


Mr. Jones led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Opportunity to Address the Board

(Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)


Mr. Alan Young addressed the Board of Education on concerns related to the math program and impact on students, along with, turnover of district personnel. 

3. Approval of Minutes

                   Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mr. John Kime

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra Hoover   
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

4. Approve the Treasurer's Financial Report


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

5. Superintendent's Report
Matthew W. Chrispin


Mr. Chrispin updated the Board of Education on personnel retirements that are on the agenda, updates on academic programs within the district.  Additionally, Mr. Chrispin highlighted the pre-school program being awarded a blue ribbon five-star rating.

6. Personnel - Certified Staff

6.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit A.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Mr. John Kime

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

6.2 Accept the resignation of Joel Jay Dennison, effective May 29, 2020.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Mr. John Kime

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

7. Personnel - Classified Staff


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

7.1 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit B.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

7.2 Employ the following on a substitute basis, as per approved salary schedule, for the 2019-2020 school year, pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check:

Dianne Mathys:  Educational Aide

Dan Rebon:  Educational Aide 

Jason Slagle:  Bus Driver




Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

7.3 Accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement for Norene Bard, Secretary, effective February 1, 2020, and authorize the Treasurer to pay any severances due.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

8. Business

8.1 Accept the following donations as stated:

Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund  $ 300.00


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

8.2 Deem the following Board Members, in addition to all Board-approved employees, as drivers of Bucyrus City School District owned vehicles:

Randy Blankenship, Christa Graves, Debra Hoover, Dave Jones, and John Kime


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

8.3 Approve the Goodwill Industry Youth Employment Initiative Contract, as per Exhibit C.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

8.4 Approve Program Contract with NCOESC for Orientation and Mobility Services, as per Exhibit D.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

9. Discussion

1.  Dates for a Board of Education Work Session

2.  Athletic Council


The Board of Education discussed some dates for an upcoming work session.

Athletic Council was discussed, and will be further discussed at an upcoming work session.

10. Executive Session

Adjourn into executive session for the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of public employees or regulated individuals, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee or regulated individual unless such person requests a public hearing; and in accordance with ORC §121.22


The Board of Education recessed into executive session at 6:14 p.m.

The following were in attendance during executive session:

Mr. Jones
Mr. Blankenship
Mr. Kime
Mrs. Graves
Mrs. Hoover

Mr. Chrispin
Mr. Cook

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. John Kime

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

11. Adjourn Executive Session


The Board of Education adjourned executive session at 8:15 p.m. and returned to regular session.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Randy Blankenship

Seconded: Mrs. Christa Graves

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX  

12. Adjourn


The January 13, 2020 regular Board of Education meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Debra Hoover

Seconded: Mr. John Kime

Mr. John KimeX  
Mrs. Debra HooverX  
Mr. Randy BlankenshipX  
Mrs. Christa GravesX  
Mr. Dave JonesX