Regular Board Meeting

Lincoln Administrative Center
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm

    1. Call to Order

    1.1 Roll Call

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Approval of Board Agenda

    3. Approval of Board Minutes

    4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation

    (Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)

    5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

    6. Superintendent's Report
    Matthew W. Chrispin

    6.1 Board Report
    Mr. Michael Panamarczuk

    6.2 Board Report
    Mr. T. Michael Wallace

    6.3 Board Report
    Mrs. Kimberly Radulovich

    7. Personnel - Certified Staff

    7.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center, as per Exhibit A.

    7.2 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra-curricular activities pending completion of all State and Board requirements including favorable background checks.

    Brenda Forbes - Teacher Leader

    Terra Hamm - Teacher Leader

    Pat Hargis - Teacher Leader

    Matt Makeever - Volunteer Wrestling Coach

    Mary Ellen Myers - BSS 21st CCLC After School Program Tutor



    7.3 Accept resignation from Kimberly Long, Head Volleyball Coach.

    7.4 Approve Request for Family Medical Leave for the following:

    Shari Shuck:  November 2 - 12, 2021

    7.5 Approve the following teacher contract, as stated Monday, January 3, 2022, as per approved salary schedule, pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

    George Barbuto - New / One Year

    8. Personnel - Classified Staff

    8.1 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit B.

    8.2 Employ the following on a substitute basis, as per approved salary schedule, for the 2021-2022 school year, pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check:

    Kylie Morgan:  Educational Aide and Secretarial Substitute (If Renhill schedule does not conflict)

    Carolyn Marshall:  Food Service Assistant Substitute 

    8.3 Approve a one-year limited supplemental contract as per approved supplemental salary schedule to the following personnel for extra-curricular activities pending completion of all State and Board requirements including favorable background checks.

    Mike Middleton - Volunteer Girls Basketball Coach

    9. Business

    9.1 Accept the following donations as stated:

    Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund  $ 277.00

    9.2 Approve the tax rates for the Crawford County Budget Commission as per Exhibit C.

    9.3 Approve Shared Services Agreement in regards to Swimming Coach, as per Exhibit D.

    9.4 Approve the updated FY22 Appropriations and Estimated Resources (all funds) for submission to the Crawford County Auditor, per Exhibits E, F, and G.

    9.5 Approve Service Agreement with Southeast Local Schools, as per Exhibit H.

    9.6 Approve Master Services Agreement with Specialized Education of Ohio, Inc., as per Exhibit I.

    9.7 Approve Logo License Agreement with Print Happy, as per Exhibit J.

    9.8 Approve Agreement for Next Level Prep ACT / SAT Seminar, as per Exhibits K and L.

    9.9 Authorize an appraisal of the District Administrative Building and property at 170 Plymouth Street.

    9.10 Approve a change to the 2021-2022 school calendar that would include Monday, November 22 and Tuesday, November 23 as part of the Thanksgiving Day Break, as per Exhibit M.

    10. Discussion

    11. Executive Session - 1

    To consider the appointment; employment; dismissal; discipline; promotion; demotion; compensation of a public employee or official; or the investigation of charges/complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual (unless public hearing is requested), as per ORC § 121.22.

    12. Adjourn Executive Session - 1

    13. Executive Session - 2

    To consider the purchase of property or the sale of property, if premature disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive bargaining advantage to a person whose private interest is adverse to the general public interest. 

    14. Adjourn Executive Session - 2

    15. Adjourn
