Regular Board Meeting

Lincoln Administrative Center
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm

    1. Call to Order

    1.1 Roll Call

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Approval of Board Agenda

    4. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation (Agenda Items Only)

    (Please speak to the Treasurer prior to the start of this meeting.)

    5. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

    6. Superintendent's Report
    Robert A. Britton

    7. Personnel - Certified Staff

    7.1 Approve the Substitute Teacher List from the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center.

    Approve the ongoing updated list of certificated / licensed substitutes, screened / hired through the Mid-Ohio ESC, who have named Bucyrus as the employing district, and authorize the District Treasurer to pay the substitutes on the Mid-Ohio ESC list between meetings.  

    Scott Carrier, Nicole Chinn, Payton Delaney, Kimberly Hobson, Chris Rothhaar, Jeffrey Ruhl, C.Aaron Sharrock, Laurie Souter, Patricia Soupon, Terry Thornsberry, Maggie Wood, Emily Buck, Justice Holmes, Russell Slanczka, Catherine George, Karolyn Rebon, Theresa Roth, Glen Smith, Maggie Sulser, April Hollis, Joczelyn Earl and Tina Nichols.

    7.2 Approve the resignation of Mr. Jon Butchko as Teacher on Special Assignment as Middle School Dean of Students effective August 1, 2024.

    7.3 Approve John Butchko to a three year Administrative Contract as Middle School Assistant Principal beginning August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2027.

    7.4 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

    Guidance, 20 Additional Days, Paige Pond

    Middle School Student Council, Bethany Guinther; Teacher Leader, Bethany Guinther

    8. Personnel - Classified Staff

    8.1 Employ David Layton as BCS Bus Driver effective August 14, 2024 pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check, to be paid per the BOSS Negotiated Agreement - Bus Driver Salary Schedule.

    8.2 Employ Ashlee Watkins, through Renhill, as the Bucyrus Secondary School Nurse/Health Monitor effective August 14, 2024 pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check.

    8.3 Employ the following on a substitute basis, as per approved salary schedule, for the 2024-2025 school year, pending completion of all State and Board requirements, including a favorable background check:

    Larry Alspach:  Custodian

    Jason Calder:  Van Driver

    Steve Cazzell:  Food Service Driver, Custodian

    Rita Davis:  Food Service Assistant

    Gabriella Hall:  Food Service Assistant, Bus Aide/ Monitor

    Dave Jones: Bus/ Van Driver

    Kelsey May:  Educational Aide, Secretary, Food Service Assistant

    Carl Rittenour:  Van Driver

    Babbette Rittenour:  Van Aide/ Monitor

    Michael Slayton:  Mowing/ Maintenance

    Chris Stake:  Bus/ Van Driver, Custodian

    Jim Thompson:  Bus Driver

    Tenia Thouroughman:  Custodian

    Melanie Whitmore:  Bus Driver

    Elaine Ziegler:  Food Service Assistant, Educational Aide (when not in conflict with Renhill schedule) 

    8.4 Approve the Renhill Salary Schedules for 2024-2025 as per Exhibits.

    8.5 Approve changes to Renhill Contract of Services, as per Exhibit.

    8.6 Approve the following Limited Supplement Contracts as stated and pending certification and completion of all State and Board requirements.

    8.7 Approve the following revision to the Central Office Salary Schedule as per Exhibit.

    8.8 Accept the following resignation per Exhibit.

    Dave Tschanen, Custodian Bucyrus Elementary School for retirement effective September 1, 2024

    9. Business

    9.1 Approve the Master Service Agreement with the High Road School (SESI) for the 2024-2025 school year.

    9.2 Approve MOU with Head Start for 2024-2025 school year as per Exhibit.

    9.3 Approve the MOU with Pioneer Career & Technology Center to implement the Career Coach Program at Bucyrus Secondary School as per Exhibit.

    9.4 Approve the MOU with the BEA to expand all Cheerleading positions on the list of Supplemental positions as two separate positions, one for fall and one for winter sports seasons as of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026; as per Exhibit.

    9.5 Approve the revisions to the 2024-2025 Preschool Handbook as per Exhibits.

    9.6 Approve the following as eligible drivers for the Band Truck for the 2024-2025 School Year:

    Brent Carpenter

    Kevin Myers

    Miranda Kepler

    Greg Shifley

    Kimberly Kent 

    Shelli Ashley 

    Stacy Mahley 

    Kathy Nye

    9.7 Approve the agreements with Golden Touch Consulting, LLC; for the purpose of providing evaluation services for 21st Century Grants at both Bucyrus Elementary and Bucyrus Secondary Schools.

    9.8 Accept the following donations as stated:

    Bucyrus City School District Staff Scholarship Fund $227.40

    Donation of (2) Bambu Lab X1-Carbon 3D Printers - together valued at $2400 to Bucyrus Elementary School. 

    This gift from Mr. Dave Tschanen, a Bucyrus City Schools employee for over 16 years; hoping to leave a lasting mark on the building when he retires that will benefit the kids. 

    10. Business - Approve the following agreement with Crawford County Board of Developmental Disabilities in relation to 1 on 1 Aides and Substitutes for 2024-2025 as per Exhibit.

    11. Discussion

    12. Public Participation (Any Topic)

    13. Adjourn
