Special Board Meeting

Zoom & Livestream
Thursday, April 2, 2020 - 6:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. Meeting Called to Order

    2. Roll Call

    3. Approval of Agenda

    4. Business Items

    4.1 Approve District Security Camera Replacements per Exhibits A, B, and C.

    4.2 Approve resolution authorizing Treasurer to refund bonds as per Exhibit D.

    5. Discussion Items
    1. Extending Education since March 13
      1. Appreciation
      2. Over 100 website uploads
      3. Nearly 400 packets via US Postal Service
      4. Contacting students
    2. Next Steps
      1. Current work will last until April 13
      2. New work will be consolidated and more concise
      3. SWD will need daily contact per ESSA
        1. Assessing SWD computer need
        2. Chromebooks 
        3. Hot spot availability
      4. If the May 1 closure is extended, do we go until May 27?
    3. Evaluations
      1. BES 
      2. BSS 
    4. Graduation - TBD
    5. Professional Development
    6. 2020-2021 Start and End Time Proposal


    6. Executive Session

    Need a motion seeking Board approval to move into executive session for the purpose of:

    The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of public employees or regulated individuals, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee or regulated individual unless such person requests a public hearing and in accordance with ORC §121.22.

    7. Adjourn Executive Session

    8. Adjournment
